viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Lesson 3

Change of appearance

What are physical changes of matter

A physical property of matter is any property that can be observed or measured without changing the chemical identity of a  substance.
A physical change is a change that affects one or more physical properties of a substance.The appearance, shape, or size of a substance may be altered during a physical change.
Changes of a state, and all physical changes, do not change the chemical make up of the substance, an example of a physical change happens when you feel an ice cube tray with water and place it inside a freezer.

What are chemical changes of matter?

A chemical change occurs when one or more substances chenge into an entirely new substance with different properties.
Chemical changes are not exactly the same as chemical properties. Burning is a chemical change, and flammability is a chemical property.

Indicators of chemical changes

Some indicators are:
  • Production of an odor: 
  • Production of gas
  • Formation of a precipitate
  • Change in energy
  • Change in color