viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Lesson 2

What are physical properties of matter?

They are used to describe a substance.
A characteristic of a substance that can be observed and measured without changing the identity of the substance is called a physical property. For example: color , shape, seize, and texture.

Common Physical Properties:

Density: is a measure of the amount of mass in a given amount of volume.
Electrical conductivity: is a measure of how well an electric current can move through a substance.
Solubility:  is the ability of substance to disolve in another substance.
Maleability : is the ability of a substance to be rolled or pounded into various shapes.
Melting Point: the melting point of a substance is the temperature at wich it changes from a solid to a liquid.

What are chemical properties of matter?

A Chemical property describes a substance's ability to change into a new substance with different properties. They describe how a substance changes and they can be observed only as the identity of a substance changes. For example: Ripening is a chemical property 

What's the difference between physical and chemical properties?

   A physical property can be observed without changing the identity of a substance, for example: determining the mass of the substance does not change its identity. And a chemical property can be observed only by changing the identity of a substance., for example :flammability and reactivity.

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Lesson 1 : Matter !

Lesson 1

Do you know what matter is? 

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space,however not everything is matter. 
For example: light and sound are not matter, but a pencil or a book are matter.

Mass is the amount of matter in an object.
Weight is a measure of the gravitational force.An object´s weight can change depending on the object´s location. For example: You would weigh less on the moon than you do on Earth because of the gravitational force.

 Volume: the amount of space that an object  takes up.
Density : the amount of mass in a given volume.


To find an object´s density you have to divide its mass by its volume.
To find an object´s mass you have to multiply its density and its volume.
To find an object´s volume you have to multiply length, width and height

viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

Many people think that science is boring and useless, but we will try to make these blog different from all those other science blogs, we will post information that really matters, sometimes its interesting and will be usefull in our lifes.
Our blog is about scientific topics , we will be posting and uploading information, images and videos about interesting issues.We hope you enjoy reading it and also learn about our new info. Also you'll find important facts, key concepts and vocabulary about our science book.