viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

Many people think that science is boring and useless, but we will try to make these blog different from all those other science blogs, we will post information that really matters, sometimes its interesting and will be usefull in our lifes.
Our blog is about scientific topics , we will be posting and uploading information, images and videos about interesting issues.We hope you enjoy reading it and also learn about our new info. Also you'll find important facts, key concepts and vocabulary about our science book.

8 comentarios:

  1. Its an interesting way to know more about science. It is a very creative and interesing blog.

  2. There are a lot of good coments, great way to teach us science in a very interesting way!

  3. It´s a very different and humorous blog to learn science. (:

  4. The information of this blog is very complete and contains all you need to know

  5. Good job in this blog contains many informaction than is necesary for make homeworks or proyects, and have many images that illustrates the meaning of the vocabulary.

  6. The information in this blog is complete and this job is very creative.

  7. This blog is different and complete we liked!:)

  8. The images are good and the meanings very recomendable.
